Sunday, January 1, 2023

Fighting the Losing Battle


Here is an utterly fantastic fan-made Star Wars lightsaber duel. This is a great example of fans understanding Star Wars far better than the people who run Disney or even George Lucas. If only we got rid of copyright laws, we might actually get some decent Star Wars. 

What I would like to particularly call attention to is the moment where the Light Side force user has a vision that she is going to die. Her response is to sit and meditate upon the Force, which is how the Dark Side person finds her. This scene pays homage to the lightsaber duel in Phantom Menace where the fighting is stopped because of the energy shields. Qui-Gon sits and meditates while Darth Maul angrily paces. 


The idea here is that Qui-Gon is at peace with the Force as opposed to Darth Maul being consumed by his Dark Side-fueled hate. One gets the sense that Qui-Gon is indifferent to the outcome of this fight, whether he lives or not. He serves the Force and it is the Force that has brought him to fight Maul. If it is the will of the Force that he dies, then so be it. (The fact that Obi-Wan turns to anger to defeat Maul after Qui-Gon is cut down is one of the more subtle ways in which the Dark Side is the real winner of the film.) Similarly, in our film, the woman accepts her coming death as the will of the Force. The fact that following the light has led her to this position does not cause her to turn to the Dark Side in the hope that she can change her fate.  

As I have mentioned previously, the chief conflict of Star Wars, when understood properly is that the Jedi are not capable of truly fighting the Sith. While the Jedi might be allowed to protect themselves and their friends, the moment they attempt to save the galaxy from falling to the Sith, an inevitable part of an unending cycle, they have already implicitly fallen to the Dark Side by acknowledging the central assumption of the Sith that the Force needs to be used to "fix" the galaxy. This inevitably means taking over the galaxy and ruling over it as an emperor, killing anyone who gets in the way. As such, to defeat the Sith means to become the Sith lengthening the time that the Galaxy must remain under Sith dominion. The only way to defeat the Sith is to allow them to eventually destroy themselves as they turn on each other in their bid to be the Sith Master.  

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